Fresh War Erupts Over Robert Mugabe Burial: Grace Charged With “Improperly” Burying President

Crime and Court

Fresh war has erupted over the burial of the late former president Robert Gabriel Mugabe. The former president’s widow, Grace Mugabe has been summoned by Chief Zvimba, the traditional leader for the area, to explain why she buried Mugabe “improperly” at his rural home in Zvimba. Some quarters have alleged that this part of a deliberate ploy to have Mugabe’s remains exhumed and reburied.

The late president died in Singapore in September 2019. Following a protracted wrangle between his family and the government he was finally buried at his home village in Kutama, Zvimba in Mashonaland West.

The government had wanted to bury Mugabe at the National Heroes Acre in Harare. However, his family turned down the offer arguing that Mugabe had made it explicitly clear that he did not wish to be interred at the national shrine. He is reported to have been bitter at the way he was ousted in the November 2017 military intervention.

Fresh War Erupts Over Robert Mugabe Burial: Grace Charged With “Improperly” Burying President At Home
[Image Credit: AFP/Getty Images] Fresh War Erupts Over Robert Mugabe Burial: Grace Charged With “Improperly” Burying President At Home
One Tinos Mavengere who is reported to have taken the issue to Chief Zvimba’s traditional court.

In the summons which were served on Grace Mugabe, Chief Zvimba fined her 5 beasts and one goat for going against cultural and traditional rites by burying Mugabe at his homestead. She is supposed to appear at the traditional court on May 20, 2021.

Below is part of the summons from the traditional leader.

You are being summoned to appear before Chief Zvimba’s Court at Gonzo Guzha Hall, Murombedzi Growth Point on 20 May 2021 at 0930 over the following allegations.

a. You’re accused of committing a taboo by burying the deceased Robert Gabriel Mugabe in a house which is a violation of the culture of the Zvimba people. You also let Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s clothes/properties scatter.

b) All of Rober Gabriel Mugabe’s clothes/properties must be gathered and stored properly at the deceased’s house following our culture as the Zvimba people.

c) I also want the deceased – Robert Mugabe- to be reburied according to the culture of the Zvimba people at a place chosen by his relatives and mother.

d) For the above-mentioned violations, you are, therefore, required to pay 5 beasts and one goat.

1) You are allowed to bring witnesses and evidence to the court.

2) If you fail to attend the hearing without permission from the court, the court will rule in favour of the applicant.

3) If you want clarity on the matter, approach the court on the date set for the hearing.

Fresh War Erupts Over Robert Mugabe Burial: Grace Charged With “Improperly” Burying President At Home–iharare