Mudiwa Hood Divides Zimbabweans, Accused Of ‘Doxing’ Doctor, Trying To Get Him Fired After Social Media Altercation

Entertainment Social Scene

Gospel rapper, socialite and businessman Mudiwa Hood is dividing Zimbabweans on social media after he threatened to file a complaint with the medical council accusing a critic of harassment and abuse.

Barely 24 hours after receiving plaudits on social media for uniting Zimbabweans through social soccer, the tide seems to have turned against him. Mudiwa Hood is now being accused of doxing a critic and trying to get him fired from his job as a medical doctor.

The issue started on Sunday when a social media user who goes by the name Skilled Rebhara and uses the handle @drjaytee87 posted on Twitter.

In his post, Skilled Rebhara applauded an unnamed person for buying meat and uniting people. He then added that the unnamed person is not a very good musician.

Said Skilled Rebhara,

lemme put it out there
atenga nyama that’s good
united people thats good

2 part 2 haagone kuimba!
ma title deeds hameno!!
tukai henyu unfollow henyu
but show me the lies!!!

Even though Skilled Rebhara’s post did not mention anyone by name, Mudiwa Hood took offence and accused him of being toxic. He went on to claim that the posts were adversely affecting his mental health

The gospel rapper wrote,

To see a medical doctor whose main purpose is to save lives, destroying them is beyond me.

@drjaytee87 level of obsession & toxicity is now mentally affecting me.

I’m human, I bleed, I hurt & I feel pain. How is helping & empowering others a crime, does that warrant attacks😞?

Skilled Rebhara later apologised to Mudiwa for the post and commended him for uniting and networking people.

My tweet on kugona kuimba has turned out to be a distraction. I don’t want that. Sincere apologies to Mudiwa. You did well by uniting people and networking people. Let’s let the issue rest.

However, Mudiwa appears not to have seen the apology or not to have been mollified.

A few hours later, he posted a letter from his lawyer Arthur Marara addressed to the chairperson of The Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe.

In the letter of complaint, Mudiwa, through his lawyer, claimed that Skilled Rebhara (@drjaytee87) is, in fact Dr Jeremy Marume. Up to this point, Skilled Rebhara’s true identity was not in the public domain.

In the letter to the MDPCZ, Mudiwa Hood’s lawyer called on the council to hold a hearing to look into Dr Marume’s alleged social media posts. The lawyer went on to say that Dr Marume seems unsuitable to hold public office and called on the MDPCZ to protect the public from him.

Part of the letter of complaint reads,

The conduct of your member Dr. J Marume is now seriously affecting our client’s mental health, causing him anxiety and depression.

Our client does not know Dr. J Marume personally. He has never met him, or made any attempt to meet him but his continual harassment is now seriously affecting our client’s mental health as a citizen. We are asking that you intervene as he is governed by your medical body.

Our client’s only crime has been to refuse to participate or comment in support of his political party. Our client is a public figure and depends on being neutral in his public conversations.

His continued cyber-bullying of our client is not only criminal, barbaric, and inordinate but a brazen abuse of influence, and power derived from his office as a Medical Practitioner, as his conduct is clearly interfering with our client’s mental health, and livelihood.

Our client has serious doubts about your member’s suitability to hold public office of a Medical Practitioner in light of his serious ethical violations. Members of the public, our client included, should be protected from such errant members.

Kindly consider visiting your member’s timelines on the Twitter platform and see for yourself the level of toxicity peddled by someone who is holding a serious position of responsibility.

Mudiwa Hood Divides Zimbabweans, Accused Of ‘Doxxing’ Doctor, Trying To Get Him Fired After Social Media Altercation

Skilled Rebhara deactivated his account for some time after the complaint came through but later reactivated it.

Reactions to Mudiwa Hood’s complaint against Skilled Rebhara appear to be mixed as Zimbabweans are divided.

Some social media users applauded the media personality for setting an example and taking a stand against alleged bullies. Some even went as far as celebrating Skilled Rebhara’s apparent demise, saying he was going to be fired from his job.

However, others accused Mudiwa Hood of being petty for trying to get someone fired over a social media post which did not even mention him by name.

Some also accused him of doxing Skilled Rebhara and exposing his life to danger. On Twitter, the doctor is an activist who criticises the government’s failings, especially in the health sector. They argued that Mudiwa is seeking to weaponise the state to silence a social media critic.

Other Zimbabweans also claimed that Mudiwa’s complaint was legally baseless and accused him of trying to intimidate critics.

Mudiwa Hood Divides Zimbabweans, Accused Of ‘Doxxing’ Doctor, Trying To Get Him Fired After Social Media Altercation

Below are some of the responses from social media,-iharare