Amabhubesi rhumba gospel a hit

Arts and Culture Entertainment Music

COMING up with a new sound or theme for Rhumba musicians remains a challenge but one group, Amabhubesi is carving its market with Rhumba gospel.

Amabhubesi which was formed in 2015, is fronted by Mbonisi Maphisa Nkomo from Kungubo and Tsepo Godonga Ndlovu from Makhulela in Plumtree. It has four albums.

Explaining why they decided to venture into what they termed Rhumba gospel, a sound that is playing very popular, Nkomo said the decision was inspired by Christians who love Rhumba music.

“We decided to focus on gospel songs because worshiping and praising God is a must for people.

There are many Christians who love Rhumba music so we wanted to give them something that’d appeal to them as well.

“For our albums, we put a variety of themes but you’ll discover that most of our albums have gospel songs,” Nkomo said.

Having been in the music scene for a while, Nkomo said his wish is to leave a mark on the Rhumba music scene.

“I’ve been in the music scene for some time now with Tsepo Ndlovu playing the bass guitar while I play the rhythm guitar. We both provide vocals. My wish is to contribute to the growth of the Rhumba genre hence we’re trying to be creative with our sound.”

He said their debut album, Sesfikile was released in 2015 followed by Hango Yapalala, Usuku lokugcina, Ungabomthemb`umuntu and Udumu lengoma, albums which Nkomo said have helped their brand grow.

Following the release of their fifth album in 2019, Nkomo said they are preparing to follow it up with another album that is due for release in August.

“We’re preparing to launch our next album this year. We’re praying that Covid-19 ends so that we’ll be able to promote it via live shows here in South Africa and back home in Zimbabwe. Our fans must expect another hot album because Amabhubesi never disappoints,” said Nkomo.

Going through their songs, it is clear the Amabhubesi are carving their own niche in the Rhumba music genre. Their sound has the traditional feel popularised by Rhumba legend, Ndux Malax that is fused with new flavours of the sound.-chronicel.clz.w