Nomathemba ‘Posh’ Ndebele Springs to Scott Sakupwanya’s Rescue

Local Social Scene

“He’s just a businessman too”

The ever outspoken fashion-business woman and Facebook Influencer Nomathemba Ndebele is at it again. Known to be quite cosy with political royalty that often dwells in the upper echelon of society it comes as no surprise that she came to the quick defence of Scott Sakupwanya by playing a bit of devil’s advocate. Businessman and politician Scott Sakwupwanya came into the limelight and scrutiny at the helm of ongoing gold smuggling arrest. Over the top images of Scott were leaked where he was celebrating his ‘loot’ in the form of gold bars and millions of US$s in cash.

Nomathemba in Scott’s defence sid his hustle was just like anyone else’s legitimate hustle and that he had the right to use his mone the way he chose.
“If you have a Gold claim and a license and you mine your gold…why shouldn’t you brag about your output.. use your money the way you want..”
The Posh founder went as far as to compare Scott’s outlandish photos to those of Slay Queens and Dentists

“ I see farmers posting standing in their tobacco fields.. no one complains.. Boutique owners post to standing in their shops… dealers dentist etc…. slay queens post too showing us their lovely bodies and we drool. What is so different about Scott’s pictures…. I’m genuinely asking. I stand to be corrected. Indigenization gave farms and gold claims to the black Zimbabwean it opened business opportunities to black Zimbabweans. So what’s wrong with him holding his gold if he has a gold claim and a license?”

In the midst of multiple corruption storms, Social Media did not take Scott’s opulence and proximity to ower too well. In true Zimbabwean fashion, the photographs have sparked the Scott Challenge.-zimbolebs