Painful Scenes: Borrowdale Security Guards Live In The Streets For Days To Save Money

Social Scene

One social media influencer, Silvia Mushonga Sanyanga had a heartbreaking encounter with the night watchers, and her experience left people online reeling with pain.

Silvia drove along Borrowdale road recently and her car broke down. As she waited for assistance, she saw five men lying on the roadside, scotched by the sun as they slept. They used their bags as pillows.

She then decided to ask some people on the traffic lights who the men sleeping on the grass were. The response broke her soul:

“I was told that they are security officers who guard premises in nearby areas but do not have money to go back and forth to their homes everyday and so they come together after their evening shift and rest. Before they go to the next shift depending on who has what, they will cook sadza and vegetables.

“However most times they spend the day without eating. They go back to their homes on their day off. My heart broke, for them. I felt their struggles in the pit of my stomach. I have my struggles too, so does everyone else but to see what I saw today made me realise the depth of how people are suffering.”

ALSO READ: Night Shift Shenanigans: Security Guard Loses Service Gun To Lady Of The Night After A Quick Session

The Good Samaritan
Overwhelmed with emotions, Silvia walked over to the men and woke one of them up. She gave him some money for mealie meal and relish to cover them for a few days.

The dumbstruck man woke his four colleagues up to show them the money they had just received. The men thanked Sylvia profusely:

“As he told the others what I had done, they all showed gratitude, the kind that I do not like, the sort that comes from munhu apererwa, ashaya zano, sincere yes but very sorrowful.”-iharare