Police Crack Teams Arrest 2 Gangs Of Armed Robbers Following Shoot Outs

Crime and Court

In a welcome development, police crack teams arrested members of two gangs of armed robbers on Friday.

Three members of the first gang of armed robbers are currently in hospital after they were shot by the police during a shoot out in Kuwadzana 1 suburb. However, one of the gang members managed to escape.

Armed robbers from the second gang were apprehended in Glen View after engaging in a high-speed chase with the police. One member of the second gang was shot dead after he tried to attack police officers using an axe.

The arrests of the armed robbers were confirmed by national police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi. Below is the full statement from Assistant Commissioner Nyathi on the arrests and the shootouts.


The Zimbabwe Republic Police has intensified the operations of crack teams to tackle a -med robbery cases in the country. The public is accordingly advised and urged to continue cooperating with the Police.

This follows the arrest of Michael Nhira (43), Alexio Chinzara (39) and Jealous Nyakuro (41). The gang which was using a silver Toyota Wish registration number AEW1154 went to a house in Ridel Ridge and attacked two people with a pistol and knife before tying them with shoelaces. The robbers ransacked the house and stole a 55 inch Hisense television, Lenovo laptop, wi-fi router, LG home theatre, groceries, bedspread and two cellphones.

A CID Homicide crack team pounced on the gang in Kuwadzana 1, Harare after receiving information resulting in a shootout. Three of the suspects were shot on legs and were subsequently arrested. One suspect identified as Dennis Munzara escaped while the Toyota Wish vehicle’s tyres were deflated. The vehicle is now in police custody while the three suspects are now admitted in hospital under police guard.

Another police crackdown team received information that a separate gang was using an unregistered Honda Fit vehicle to commit robbery cases in Glenview and Budiriro suburbs. The suspects were identified as Munya, Simba, Khedha also known as Gunners and Mosby.

The Police Officers intercepted the black Honda Fit at the corner of 9th street and Patrenda Way in Glenview at 2200 hours. A chase out ensued up to Willowvale Road and 11th Street. The suspects then decided to drive straight into the police officers’ vehicle. The Police driver swerved to the left and in the process, the robbers stopped their vehicle and ran away in different directions,

Warning shots were fired and one suspect, known as Munya produced an axe whilst charging towards one of the police officers. Police continued to fire warning shots as Munya ran towards Glenview 3 shops and hid in a gamblers’ group.

After being cornered, the suspect tried to attack the same police officer and he was then shot on the left shoulder. Munya was taken to Sally Mugabe Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Several sim cards, two cellphones, USD4.00 and ZWL$1 010.00 were recovered from the body.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police will brook no nonsense in dealing with armed robbery cases. Stern action will thus be taken by Police crack teams to ensure that the country is rid of criminals. Robbers who engage in shootouts, confrontations and fighting with Police crack teams will be severely dealt with.-iharare